Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Cult following? Count me in.

Benefits: very moisturizing, gets rid of dry flaky patches, gets rid of acne, gets rid of acne scars, makes skin glowy and radiant, gets rid of blackheads, dramatically shrinks pores, evens out skintone
Let me give you a little background on my skin. As a "tween" I had pretty bad acne. Now I'm 19 and its gone for the most part but left behind a ton of scarring. And of course my face was still littered with blackheads and a couple whiteheads and big huge pores. But it was DRY and flaky everywhere.Even though I'm young my skin had zero radiance. I would not go anywhere without putting on a slew of oils, primers, concealers, and foundations and my skin still looked terrible. Enter La Mer. At first I was a little hesitant to spend $250 on a cream but then I realized a) I very regularly spend over $200 on a single piece of clothing and when I decide to treat myself, it will be way more than that and B) my skin really needs it, there's no way around that. After one week of using Creme de La Mer not only do I never breakout but all my blackheads and whiteheads are gone and my pores are almost nonexistent. That was actually unexpected because it's only advertised as a moisturizer. On top of that my acne scars just mysteriously disappeared. And of course it supremely moisturized, got rid of all the flakiness, and my skin glows like there's no tomorrow. Remember my old makeup routine? Well now I don't wear a drop of makeup because as so many people have told me, I have "hollywood skin". In fact I love this cream so much that I will go buy a whole bunch of other La Mer products.

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